Fire Damage Restoration Process – A Complete Guide

A fire accident is often unprecedented, and the aftermath can be devastating. Besides the threat to human life, fire accidents often leave a lot of property damage in their wake.

The financial implications of damaged properties are only one of the many difficulties for home or business owners. Cleaning and decluttering is another heavy burden that home and business owners may not be able to handle independently. In cases like this, professional help is often sought.

A building ravaged by fire will be unfit for human occupation until it is restored to its initial condition. The process of restoration is called the fire damage restoration process.

Fire Damage Restoration

Restoring fire and smoke-damaged property to its pre-loss condition is fire damage restoration. As simple as it may seem, this process requires high technical skills and experience.

Because of the damage caused by the fire, the time spent cleaning and restoring salvageable properties might take weeks or months. No one can say how long the process will take except trained and experienced fire damage restoration contractors.

Activities like cleaning debris and soot and removing damaged building parts like lead and asbestos are major parts of fire damage restoration. Fire damage restoration includes activities like property board up, demolition, and reconstruction for a thorough cleaning job.

Both company owners and homeowners may suffer severe consequences due to the mishap. Fortunately, fire damage restoration services quickly respond to all fire-related difficulties, assist in the clean-up process, and restore the property to its previous condition.


fire damage restoration process


Things to consider before hiring a Fire Damage Restoration Contractor

It’s a significant decision to hire a restoration company to clean up and rebuild your property after a disaster. You will probably want to hire a team of professionals who can get the job done once. This means you need a team of experienced fire damage restoration contractors.

Damage mitigation, electrical, plumbing, roofing, remodeling, ground-up building, insurance aid, and sophisticated project management are required for fire damage restoration. This process is holistic and may be difficult for a non-specialist. You want to hire a team with an apt understanding of numerous aspects of construction.

To hire the best fire damage restoration team, look out for the following attributes:

  • Licensed fire damage restoration team
  • Notable experience working on similar restoration projects
  • Have experience working with insurance companies to file damage claims

What to expect from Fire Damage Restoration  Process Service

Your fire damage restoration contractor must first obtain permission from a licensed authority before entering the premises to examine the degree of the fire damage. Otherwise, a contractor may be putting themselves in a dangerous situation.

A professional fire restoration service provider has the following major responsibilities:

1. Damage Assessment

The first thing a fire damage contractor must do after establishing the property is safe to enter is assess the damage caused by the fire. This usually entails determining how deep the flames and smoke have permeated the structure and the scope of any cleanup required.

This process entails a review of the building’s contents to identify what should be thrown away and what can be taken out or restored. Through damage assessment, the contractor will have a better sense of the scope of the job and how long it will take and can begin generating a cost estimate.


Damage Assessment


2. Security & Debris Removal

The next stage is to secure the property when the assessment has been completed. The contractor may install a fence or barricade around the building. This is done to protect the affected building structure. Other barricades will include boarding up openings in the building and tarping or sealing off parts of the roof.

If certain portions of the property were not affected by the fire, restoration professionals would ensure that this area is isolated from the fire-affected region to prevent cross-contamination. This will reduce the cost of renovation of the non-affected areas.


Security & Debris Removal


3. Demolition, Flood Mitigation, and Drying Out

Here, the purpose is to remove water and dry out the property to prevent the formation of mold or corrosion damage. Personal belongings will be removed from the building.

As the fire damage restoration contractor deems fit, damaged drywall, flooring, and other items will be removed down to the studs. To dry out the structure, water extraction crews will use commercial equipment. Roof tarps must be maintained during this stage to prevent further water intrusion.

4. Clean Up & Smoke removal

The clean-up phase is the most time-consuming aspect of a fire damage restoration. To effectively clear smoke and soot from interior and external surfaces, this stage often requires a lot of labor.

In many circumstances, it may be necessary to clean every inch of the damaged region. Deodorizing treatments completely remove any leftover smoke smell after appropriate cleaning.

If water damage restoration has also been completed, sanitization or the application of antimicrobial agents may be required to prevent mold growth. Duct cleaning is also required to remove any soot, smoke, or debris that has settled in the ducts.


Clean Up & Smoke removal


5. Re-construction & Restoration

Damage repairs or rebuilding fire-damaged areas is the last step in restoring the property to its pre-loss condition. During the initial assessment of a fire outbreak, elements of the structure may be unsalvageable. This will necessitate their removal and replacement.

Restoring the property to the pre-loss condition will entail rebuilding and replacing essential parts of the structure. These include the roof, wiring, flooring materials, and furniture.

If you seek help to recover from soot damage and need help with soot removal and the entire restoration process, our team at Elite Clean Restoration is here for you.

Contact us as soon as possible. The sooner you act, the more likely you will restore your property to its pre-damaged state.

Looking for a fire damage restoration contractor? Call Elite Clean Restoration Today

We understand the importance of starting the fire damage restoration process as soon as possible. If you have an emergency, you should certainly contact our team today. Our fire damage restoration company, Elite Clean Restoration, is here to address your fire-related issues and restore your property to its original state.

Whether you have noticed smoke damage or further damage due to the house fire, our team will be there as quickly as possible to take an assessment and deploy our emergency services.

Call us today if you want to learn more about our recovery process, specialized equipment, and cleaning process. We will be here to begin repairs after a property disaster.

Reach out to us now! We will arrive at your premise within 24 hours and salvage the situation. We are only a call away, and our customer care line is always available.